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Welcome to the Terry Law Firm’s new website! We are proud to announce that we have recently redesigned our website to provide you with an enhanced user experience and to make it easier for you...
Federal law does not mess around when it comes to ensuring the safe distribution of medications to nursing home residents. In order to keep the community safe, nursing homes must follow two critical rules when...
“It has gone through that building like fire,” says a staff member at Festus Manor. According to various news reports Festus Manor now has over 80 cases of COVID-19 originating from the facility. Sixty-two residents...
When the call came from the Administrator for more body bags, someone decided enough was enough and tipped off authorities. When police arrived, they found 17 bodies stacked into an on-site morgue with a capacity...
Many Missouri Nursing Homes Not Communicating With Families About Residents Family members who have loved ones in Missouri nursing homes are no longer able to visit and check on their loved ones due to concerns...
Understanding the Coronavirus in Missouri Nursing Homes and What Facilities Must Do About It It is official: The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the coronavirus infection known as COVID-19 is a pandemic. This viral,...
Hollywood legend Kirk Douglas died yesterday at the age of 103. As a kid I loved the 1954 movie 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea even though it was considered an “oldie” even then. That movie...