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Understanding Why Dementia Deaths are Increasing and How it Could be Related to Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Not only is dementia a serious problem, it is an increasingly fatal problem. According to a Centers...
Nursing Home Owner Convicted in Largest Health Care Fraud Scheme Ever Medicare and Medicaid fraud are serious problems. It hurts all of us, whether we are actively using those benefits now or expect to be...
Warnings and Red Flags: What are the Basic Signs of Abuse in a Nursing Home? It is uncomfortable to place a loved one in a Missouri nursing home. It means we are acknowledging that our...
Subdural Hematomas in Missouri Nursing Homes: How Do Nursing Home Residents Get This Type of Injury?Hint—Negligence! One of the most serious injuries that Missouri nursing home residents sustain during their residency is a subdural hematoma. ...
St. Louis Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyers Explains Why Nursing Homes Are Often At Fault When Residents Get Urinary Tract Infections For most people, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a nuisance. But for elderly...
Falling in Missouri Nursing Homes: Leading Reasons Explained by our St. Louis Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyer There are many leading reasons why nursing home residents fall. Falls are one of the leading causes...
Important Facts about C Diff in Missouri Nursing Homes: The What, How, Why You Need to Know C diff, or Clostridium difficile, is a bacteria that can rapidly spread in a Missouri nursing home due...
Why Poor Hygiene Can Kill: St. Louis Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyer Explains Dangers At an early age we are taught that having good hygiene is very important for our health. This is particularly...
St. Louis Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyer Explains the Statute of Limitations and How Long You Have to File a Claim Each Missouri nursing home abuse and neglect claim has two main components to...
Understanding Why Wandering and Elopement Happen, and Why it Could be St. Louis Nursing Home Neglect and Negligence Wandering and elopement of a resident in a nursing home is a serious problem. Residents can be...