To whom it may concern. I hired Mr. Terry to look into a case for me and Mr. Terry [has] done a remarkable job… He [was helpful in] explaining to me why things were important and he walked me through everything we had to do. Mr. Terry understood my hurt [and] he saw what I had against the people I thought was guilty. He at that point did not wait. he got right to work he eased my mind…. To me, David Terry is great at what he does. I am honored to have dealt with him. With Mr. Terry’s help we found what I needed for my case. He investigated every aspect, every avenue in my case [and] he spent the time to talk to me he keep me updated. He told me different ways I could go. He is amazing. If I ever know anyone that needs an expert in his line of work he would be the one for the job. He walks through everything with you [and] he explains the good things about the case and the bad things. To a person like me Dave is an angel.”