How Poor Hygiene Leads to Harm in St. Louis Nursing Homes

How Poor Hygiene Leads to Harm in St. Louis Nursing Homes

When nursing homes disregard the needs of their residents, not only do accidents become more frequent, but living conditions deteriorate in quality. More often than not, nursing homes that value profit above all else understaff their homes, leading many residents to suffer needlessly unhygienic conditions. When you see this happen, removing your loved one from that home and contacting an attorney should be your top priorities.

Rashes and Other Symptoms of Poor Hygiene

When an 80-year-old sits too long in soiled linens or clothing, this poor hygiene creates a breeding ground for bacteria. Most people are aware of diaper rash with infants, but they are young. Someone who is much older has a harder time fighting infections. When an elderly person is left to sit for five hours at a time, that bacteria eats away at skin. In the more severe cases of neglect, some elderly people develop complications from diaper rash. This is unacceptable and often a sign of negligence on the nursing home’s part.

In the more severe cases, a lack of blood flow creates an infection that could work its way into a resident’s body. That blood that does circulate carries with it the infection and creates a case of sepsis. Sepsis is exceptionally difficult for an elderly person to recover from and requires intense medical treatment that is often costly.

Additional signs of poor hygiene that is easily remedied include:

Let An Attorney Help Your Loved Ones

When a negligent nursing home facility neglect its residents, cases of diaper rash could become commonplace. However, it should be recognized that these injuries are more often than note easily preventable and often a sign of neglect. If you suspect that a loved one has endured harm from poor hygienic standards of care, then you need to work with a St. Louis attorney who has helped elderly victims of negligent hygiene standards.

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