Forty-six year old Gregory George was a resident at Wesley Healthcare Center, a nursing home facility located in Auburn, Indiana, until recently... - Terry Law Firm

Forty-six year old Gregory George was a resident at Wesley Healthcare Center, a nursing home facility located in Auburn, Indiana, until recently…

Forty-six year old Gregory George was a resident at Wesley Healthcare Center, a nursing home facility located in Auburn, Indiana, until recently. In January 2010, George alleges that caretakers at the facility “chose to drag me, drove me out of the county, dropped me off and left”. George was dropped off at the Emergency Room at Cameron Memorial Community Hospita in Angola, Indiana for no reason. His condition had not changed and he was not sick. George has a permaent tracheotomy and requires oxygen 24 hours a day through a tube in his neck.

After an Indiana State Department of Health investigation, the facility was found to have dumped Gregory George after it failed to re-admit him, staff did not let the facility administrator know that they had determined a resident to be dangerous, and the facility did not have a written abuse allegation policy.

There is a happy ending to Gregory George’s story, though. He has relocated to a new facility, Park Villa, and says, “It’s a good facility, they’re here. They meet my needs, couldn’t ask for better services.”

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer


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