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A 58 year-old resident of Browning Manor Convalescent Hospital was fatally injured in June 2009 after a fall from his nursing home wheelchair. He rushed to the hospital with a fractured spine and brain injury;...
A 97 year-old nursing home resident was injured when she fell from her bed to the floor after a nurse had turned her back to the resident. The resident was rushed to the hospital with...
Seventy-three year old Minnie Lee Valentine was a resident of Little Rock Health Care and Rehab for a mere three months. During her residency, she suffered excruciating pain from bedsores, urinary tract infections, and MRSA...
His diaper was saturated, not changed in over 12 hours. His dentures were never removed, never cleaned. His body was dirty, his fingernails long. No one shaved him. The list of indignities goes on for...
Mario Rojas Lara was charged with aggravated sexual assault and forgery. According to authorities, Rojas reportedly used false documentation during the April 2010 hiring process at Pflugerville Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center. In fact, authorities...
The 2002 rape and beating of the 94 year old nursing home resident initially seemed solved with the arrest of an 18 year-old man. The man confessed to the crime but was later exonerated by...
The facility, which is owned by R.A.V.E Residential Services, a non-profit company, was cited by the Illinois Department of Public Health for failing to protect residents from violent attacks instigated by a teenage resident of...
The Class AA fine, which is the most severe under California state law, arose from a 2008 injury and death of a 60-year-old long-term resident. The woman, who suffered from an inherited muscular disorder, fell...
According the Iowa Department of Inspection and Appeals criminal complaint, in May or June 2009, Beaudette reportedly took off his ring and glasses and assumed a “fighting stance” while screaming, cursing, and threatening a resident....
According to resident Gilbert Bouchez, “The whole wall was covered, the whole length… That’s probably why I’ve been coughing and hacking since April and they can’t seem to get it to stop.” See the full...